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Replacement Advice

The best advice we can give you about replacement is to shop around.  You will find a wide variety of prices and installation methods.  Be sure to do your due diligence. 

Be an informed consumer, the extra time spent is worth it! 

Print this page and check off what they offer.  If they don't offer, then ask.  Anyone can answer questions in a way they may think you want to hear it.  If they offer, you know it is part of their business. 

  1. Do they offer service to your home or office and will they give you a discount for coming to them. 

  2. What kind of warrantees and guarantees do they have? Are they in writing?

  3. Do they use protective covers for the dash and hood?  

  4. Do they offer OEM (Original Equipment from Manufacture) glass and sealants.

  5. Will the glass be imported.  From where?

  6. Are there extra costs associated with the replacement?  How much?

  7. How long do you have to wait to drive the car?  Very important!

  8. How much experience does the actual installer have?  How long has he been with the company?

If you want to know more.

 If you feel unsure, call the BBB to check for complaints against companies. All you need is the glass shop's phone number.

If your new windshield gets damaged, avoid having to replace it again and call us before it spreads.  We don't replace, so we will never say it cannot be repaired unless it can't.  In other words, we have no incentive to try to get you to buy a new one.



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